Si sono aperti oggi all’Hotel NH Collection Eurobuilding di Madrid i lavori dell’IPAF SUMMIT, la conferenza mondiale sui lavori aerei. La giornata prevede un ricco e articolato programma con relatori di spicco di livello internazionale.
Ecco di seguito la lista degli interventi e dei relatori:
10:30 Welcome from Chris Wraith – IPAF Technical & Safety Executive
10:35 – 11:00
Tony Smith, Senior Investigator, Mine Safety, New South Wales (NSW)
Department of Industry, Australia, reviews the methodology and legislation
that allowed his department to complete a major fatal accident investigation
within 12 months of the incident. What lessons can be learned?
11:00 – 11:30
Giles Councell, IPAF Director of Operations, reports on how IPAF’s new generation
learning tools, training programmes and safety initiatives are aiming to keep
operators safe.
11:30 – 12:00
José Maria Tamborero del Pino, Coordinator of Safety Technical Guidance for
the Spanish H&S Institute (INSHT), speaks on the advantages of collaboration,
exchange and open dialogue between government institutes and specialised
trade associations in formulating safety guidance. Also speaking are Miryam
Hernández Fernández, Director of the H&S Institute of Asturias (IAPRL) and
Francisco Javier Inda Ortiz de Zarate, Technical Sub-Director of the H&S Institute
of the Basque Country (OSALAN).
12:00 – 12:30
Romina Vanzi, IPAF Head of Regional Development and MCWPs, takes a look
at mast climbing work platforms: the powered access alternative.
12:30 –13:15 Lunch
13:30 Welcome from Tim Whiteman, IPAF CEO
13:40 – 14:00
Dolores Limón Tamés, Director of Spain’s National Institute for Health and Safety in theWork Place (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo INSHT), will openthe IPAF Summit in Madrid with some insights on how the institute is promoting safe work at height in different industries.
13:30 Welcome from Tim Whiteman, IPAF CEO
13:40 – 14:00
Dolores Limón Tamés, Director of Spain’s National Institute for Health and Safety in theWork Place (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo INSHT), will openthe IPAF Summit in Madrid with some insights on how the institute is promoting safe work at height in different industries.
14:00 – 14:45
In search of harmonised standards and common interfaces: Brad Boehler, President of Skyjack, discusses efforts being undertaken by manufacturers and the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE), which are to culminate in a new international standard for controls on MEWPs.
In search of harmonised standards and common interfaces: Brad Boehler, President of Skyjack, discusses efforts being undertaken by manufacturers and the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE), which are to culminate in a new international standard for controls on MEWPs.
14:45 – 15:15
Making safety the number 1 priority, whether times are good or bad: Jeremy Fish,
Managing Director of Nationwide Platforms, presents some strategies for
achieving this.
15:15 –15:35 Coffee break
15:35 –16:10
Break the cycle: Pedro Torres, COO at Riwal, provides a rental perspective on
positioning for success in the cyclical access business.
16:10 –16:40
Are MEWPs gaining ground? Euan Youdale, Editor of Access International,
presents some recent statistics on the global MEWP market and uncovers
the latest trends.
16:40 – 17:15
Falls from height and MEWPs: problem or solution? Chris Wraith, IPAF Technical
& Safety Executive, analyses data from worldwide incident statistics and IPAF’s
accident reporting project, to examine if MEWPs are a realistic solution for safer
work at height.
17:15 Concluding remarks by Andy Studdert, IPAF President
Stasera alle 20,00, sempre presso lo stesso Hotel NH Collection, avrĂ luogo la serata di gala per la consegna dei premi IAPA – International Awards for Powered Access. Numerose sono le aziende italiane che hanno avuto una nomination per “gli oscar dei lavori in quota”, tra le quali:
Stasera alle 20,00, sempre presso lo stesso Hotel NH Collection, avrĂ luogo la serata di gala per la consegna dei premi IAPA – International Awards for Powered Access. Numerose sono le aziende italiane che hanno avuto una nomination per “gli oscar dei lavori in quota”, tra le quali:
Self-propelled above 20ft/6.1m
- Almac, Italy, for the BIBI 850-BL
- Hinowa, Italy, for the Lightlift 26.14 Performance IIIS lithium-ion
Product of the Year – Vehicle/trailer mounted
- GSR, Italy, for the B200PX
Product of the Year – Mast climbing work platforms/hoist
- Safi, Italy, for the Vision MC 2500 KG
Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare: